Monday, August 6, 2007

Impact of Web 2.0

David Jakes asks, “What has been the impact of Web 2.0 tools on your school, your teaching or on your kids, at this point in time?”

The impact of Web 2.0 tools has been minimal, but I am hopeful for this school year. During the 2006-2007 school year, I participated in a grant to learn about Web 2.0. I developed a Modern American History lesson about the Vietnam Protests by collaborating with a high school social studies teacher. Together we created a blog to use when instructing our students and a classroom wiki for our students to compile and share their learning. It was a very neat activity and worked well for our first attempt. The teacher taught one section traditionally and another section using the Web 2.0 tools. Our final assessment was that the students using the Web 2.0 tools were able to internalize the content better than the traditional students. The final assessment was an essay. The traditional students included dates, times, and places of events, while the Web 2.0 students described their feelings, their reactions, how they would have responded. The teacher and I felt that the Web 2.0 students would remember the content longer than the traditional students. It was a very worthwhile project.


Julie said...

I really enjoyed hearing about your project. You are a "huge" step ahead of me. Comparing the two classes is a great idea and you could really see how the students were impacted by the process. Too Cool!!!
May I ask what the blog and the classroom wiki looks like? I am truly so excited by don't have a clue as to how to set it up in the classroom. Thank you I'm so inspired.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting project. It would be interesting to do this again and see if you get the same result. I think what you did was very good.

Sue said...

Wonderful success story for a first try! Steve Sanders is looking for such stories... please email him with a description and especially talk about your essay assessment!